What is Anal itching?
- The cause is benign in most cases.
- Symptoms are most common between the ages of 40 and 60.
- Itchiness gets severe or unbearable during the night.
Causes of Anal itchiness:
- Skin conditions/diseases (e.g., eczema, psoriasis)
- Worm infestation
- Fungal or bacterial infections, e.g. Anal abscess
- Hygiene practices (e.g., excessive wiping, use of irritating products)
- Dietary factors – Allergy or sensitive to certain types of food (e.g., spicy foods, caffeine, alcohol)
- Underlying medical conditions (e.g., diabetes, inflammatory bowel disease)
- Mucus leaks from hemorrhoids or prolapse; dirty fluid seeps out and irritates the skin of the anal rim.
- Irritation due to chronic fluid loss due to anal incontinence
- Sexually transmitted diseases: Condyloma, Chlamydia, gonorrhea, Syphilis and Candida
- A skin tag, external and mixed hemorrhoids - a bulge of excess skin around the anus
- Discharge and soiling from anal fistula, Chronic dirt loss and discharge from an anal fistula tract.
- Following surgical procedures in and around the anus
- Scarring from previous surgical procedures
When to seek a professional physician?
While pruritus ani itself is not life-threatening, persistent scratching or irritation can lead to complications such as skin damage, infection, or the development of chronic conditions. It’s essential to manage symptoms effectively and seek medical advice for persistent or recurrent issues
How the Hemorrhoids are Diagnosed
Our Treatment- Guoyi Proctology Therapy
Minor Surgical removal of the causes: Hemorrhoids, anal fissure, anal fistula, anal abscess
Minor surgery and naturopathic Treatment
In severe cases, we integrate the naturopathic Ba Zhi San ointment series with minor surgery to effectively address the underlying causes of concerns. This approach proves particularly efficacious for conditions such as prolapsed hemorrhoids with complications, external hemorrhoids, mixed hemorrhoids, and the removal of skin tags. Additionally, it is a crucial procedure for treating chronic anal fissures, anal abscesses, and anal fistula. Anorectal minor surgery stands as a highly effective treatment method, with the specialized Ba Zhi San anorectal ointment serving as an indispensable and essential component throughout the entire treatment course to achieve the best outcomes.
Anorectal Minor Surgical Procedure
Surgical interventions on the back passage (anus and rectum) lasting 10 – 40 minutes and performed as a day-case procedure using the minor surgical procedure. The advisable position for the procedure is lying on your left side or known as side-lying. Afterwards, you will stay in the recovery room for another 10-60 minutes to be monitored for immediate post-treatment care.
- No fasting needed.
- local anesthesia
- <10-30 minutes procedure
- Manageable Pain and minimized discomfort.
- Generally, 1- 7 days to get back to work, depending on the work type.
- Specialized BZS Ointment application
Individualized BZS(Ba Zhi San) Anorectal ointment treatment plan
BZS (Ba Zhi San) Anorectal ointment is a specialized series of natural medications formulated with a unique botanical blend. Tailored to individual diagnoses and symptoms, a distinct compound of Ba Zhi San anorectal ointment is created to address specific conditions effectively. The primary purpose of Ba Zhi San Ointment is to alleviate pain, stop bleeding, reduce inflammation, minimize swelling, combat infections, detoxify, eliminate slough, and promote granulation for healing. Its pharmacological effect is achieved by obstructing venous blood supply and removing purulent gas and moisture from the body.
Based on your clear diagnosis, we compound herbal cream for treating anal eczema, and you will be followed up in 4-6 weeks after the ointment application.
Lifestyle/habitual changes instruction for other causes.
- Breaking the vicious cycle of scratching and itching
- Shower/wash immediately after exercise to avoid sweat irritation.
- Cotton, loose-fitting underwear, and clothes to improve ventilation and reduce moisture and irritation.
- A food sensitivity test is recommended, as well as irritants such as alcohol, beer, spices, dairy
products, etc.