How to Do a Sitz Bath 

Hemorrhoids can develop for various reasons, making them a common medical condition. Therefore, you can find plenty of home remedies to help treat mild cases without needing hemorrhoid removal. The easiest and most effective hemorrhoid treatment is giving yourself a sitz bath. If you’re unfamiliar with what a sitz bath is – don’t worry! Here […]

Anal Fistulas Classifications 101

Like anal fissures and hemorrhoids, anal fistulas have varying classifications depending on the severity of the condition. Knowing these classifications is imperative for finding the right anal fistulas treatment and returning to normal. Learn everything you can from here.  Understanding the Classifications For Anal Fistulas Treatment  What Are Anal Fistulas? An anal fistula is a […]

How to Insert the Suppository & Apply the Topical Ointment Dressing

Suppository and Topical Ointment Dressing Part of your treatment plan at the N.A. Hemorrhoids Centre may include prescribed suppositories and topical ointments. These can be difficult to apply on your own, so we recommend visiting the clinic to have one of our professionals help with the process. However, we recognize that this isn’t possible for […]

What are Anal Fistulas?

Many might not realize that without finding proper anal fissure treatment in Calgary, they can end up with anal fistulas. Yet, what exactly are anal fistulas? Learn what they are here and see how you can treat them.  How Finding No Anal Fissure Treatment in Calgary Leads to Anal Fistulas Understanding Anal Fistulas Anal fistulas […]

Can I Go to a Walk-In Clinic for Hemorrhoids?

  Hemorrhoids are a surprisingly common condition that can happen abruptly without warning. Some folks dealing with hemorrhoids for the first time would naturally gravitate to the closest walk-in clinic to get checked out.  Due to where hemorrhoids occur and the level of severity, you might want to think about how much help a walk-in […]

Can You Remove a Hemorrhoid at Home?

  The painful nature of hemorrhoids can feel intimidating to remove yourself. However, some might find the condition too embarrassing to reach out for hemorrhoid removal from a doctor. Hemorrhoids is a common condition with varying severity that is treatable enough to deal with on your own.  Below we have outlined how you can safely […]

How To Treat Anal Fissures

  Rectal ripping is a painful condition that almost everyone will experience at some point in their lives. Anal tears are an affliction that affects individuals of all ages, including newborns. This ailment is highly prevalent and can feel tricky to treat.  If you have ever suffered from rectal lacerations, you are well aware of […]

What To Expect After Hemorrhoid Removal

  For those diagnosed with hemorrhoids, the future can feel both set and overwhelming. While it’s undoubtedly comforting to have an answer regarding the source of your pain, the uncertainty regarding future steps can be a lot to take in.   While your doctor will thoroughly explain the surgery and how the process will look, […]

What Are Anal Fissures?

After a few days of experiencing discomfort and sharp pains while using the washroom, you decide to visit your local hemorrhoid clinic in Calgary. Then, following a quick investigation, you are diagnosed with having anal fissures.   While having a reason for your pain is reassuring, this answer may also lead to more questions. For […]

What Causes Anal Fissures?

There’s nothing more frustrating than sharp pains or discomfort when using the washroom as a result of anal fissures. However, it may be more common than you may think.   Below, we define anal fissures and explore the symptoms, causes, and potential treatment options.   What Are Anal Fissures?   An anal fissure is a […]