Hemorrhoids in Special Group

Hemorrhoids can affect various special groups, including pregnant women, seniors, children, and individuals with specific medical conditions.

Pregnant Women and Postpartum Mothers

Pregnancy can increase the risk of developing hemorrhoids due to factors such as hormonal changes, increased pressure on the pelvic area and veins, constipation, straining during bowel movements, or postpartum recovery. Pregnant women with hemorrhoids should consult their family physician for a management strategy.


Aging, weakened tissues, chronic constipation, reduced mobility, prolonged sitting, or underlying health conditions may contribute to the development or exacerbation of hemorrhoids in seniors. Seniors with hemorrhoids may require tailored management approaches in our clinic, including conservative measures, medications, procedures, or minor surgical interventions.

Children and Minors

Hemorrhoids in children or minors may be less common but can occur due to factors such as chronic constipation, straining during bowel movements, dietary habits, lifestyle factors, and genetic predisposition. Children or minors with hemorrhoids benefit from our conservative treatments.

Individuals with Specific Medical Conditions

Certain medical conditions, including inflammatory bowel disease, pelvic floor dysfunction, liver disease, cardiovascular conditions, and obesity may increase the risk of hemorrhoids or influence the severity, management, or outcomes in affected individuals.

Our clinic applies tailored treatment plans for Individuals with specific medical conditions.