Post-opt Preparation

Anorectal Minor Surgical Procedure Post-op Instructions

As you know, you have just undergone minor surgery on a very sensitive part of the body, which might be a scale from a small skin tag removal to a hemorrhoidectomy associated with different scales of pain from mild discomfort to severe. Please keep in mind that the treatment you are receiving is a therapeutic process, which means you will go through a healing journey with us. Each person recovers at a different pace. Here are instructions that will guide you through the healing process.

THINGS TO EXPECT On The Same Day After The Minor Surgery

Five DOs

Five DON’Ts


We want you to check the outside of the gauze every two hours until you head to bed to ensure there is no active bleeding. DO NOT remove the dressing; just check from the back. If there is bleeding – the cotton is soaked with fresh blood more than 1/3 of the dry gauze, you can gently remove the gauze and apply the clean cotton ball in the bag around the surgical area. Press on the dry gauze onto the area for 5-10 minutes. If you have excessive bleeding, greater than 1 pad per hour, call the clinic emergency number, also ready to call the 9-1-1 emergency room.


You might experience tenesmus – a feeling that you have to have a bowel movement without any stool actually being present in your rectum. This is normal. We want you to try to hold back the bowel movement as much as possible. You will be able to figure out when it is actually time to have a bowel movement.

Bowel movement - DON’T STRAIN!

If you have to have a bowel movement, please follow instructions: 1. Gently remove the dressing. 2. Very gently push out the stool. 3. Do a sitz bath afterwards. 4. Apply new cotton gauze dressing.

Pain & discomfort

The local numbing agent given in the procedure will last
approximately 2-4 hours. Afterwards, you will feel different scales of
pain and discomfort. This is normal. You will manage the pain with
your OCT medication, and take it as instructed by your physician


If you have difficulty urinating due to the pain from the procedure, put a warm compress or a towel soaked in warm water on the lower belly /abdomen and massage clockwise to relax the muscles. If you cannot urinate for a long time and feel strong lower abdominal pain, please contact the clinic or call the emergency number 9-1-1. DO NOT wait until your bladder feels uncomfortably full. DO NOT overhydrate yourself trying to urinate, drink only your usual amount of liquids

Gas cramps and/or muscle spasms

You may experience gas cramps and/or muscle spasms today; this is normal.


You may have a toss-and-turn night. We advise you to take pain medication before going to bed.

THINGS TO EXPECT The Next Day After You Wake Up Until Visiting The Clinic

Removing the cotton gauze dressing

Your motion should be as gentle as possible. Removing the medical tape from your skin could be unpleasant. It is the only time we use medical tape for placing the dressing stable on your procedure day. You can ask someone else to help remove it.

ain & bleeding

EXPECT different scales of pain and EXPECT some bleeding with your bowel movements.

Dressing change

Your first dressing change would be difficult. Communicate well with the health care provider with your experience, and get your questions answered. You will have medication dressing inside and around the area; keep it for at least 6 hours, and it is ok to keep it overnight until the next day’s bowel movement. You will have pink color cotton dressing; seeing them in the toilet bowl is normal.

Donut ring pillow/seat

You may sit on a soft pillow for comfort, a donut pillar seat does NOT help and it is NOT recommended

Bowel movement

You can have bowel movements from today. Your bowel movements may be uncomfortable or painful, but this will improve daily by following instructions and having a good dressing change in the clinic. Do not strain with bowel movement; avoid constipation or diarrhea. Manage to have one bowel movement per day and stool level of a “sausage/banana” shape. Inform the clinic if you haven’t had a good, relieving bowel movement two days after the main procedure. Do not use medicated pads such as Tucks or Baby Wipes. It is better to move your bowels regularly than to become constipated. Postponing BM will harden your stool. Constipation is bad, but remember, diarrhea and thin stools are as bad as hard stools and sometimes worse. Do not apply skin cleansers, gel, antibacterial soaps, alcohol, iodine, or hydrogen peroxide to the rectal area. They can delay healing.

Other Details During The Post-Treatment Recovery

Minor surgical suture

From day 5-15, you will see a black colored suture during your bowel movement or sitz bath; this is normal.


EXPECT some bleeding with your bowel movements; some bloody discharge is normal for up to two weeks to three months. Always update the healthcare provider each day on your dressing change. How much blood, and where the blood was spotted, etc


Swelling is a normal side effect and individual to the patient. It will decrease over time with post-treatment care.


EXPECT different scales of pain during the bowel movement.


You might have a burning feeling or a “knife-like” pain a few days into the recovery period. The key is keeping the area clean, dry, and chemical-free (soaps, gel, etc.). Always give the clinician feedback about applying the topical medicine


You might have a burning feeling or a “knife-like” pain a few days into the recovery period. The key is keeping the area clean, dry, and chemical-free (soaps, gel, etc.). Always give the clinician feedback about applying the topical medicine

Discharge and odor from the wound

During the hemorrhoid root treatment stage, you will experience slimy discharge and odor from the wound.


During the post-treatment recovery, you are likely to experience itchiness which is a characteristic of a recovery period. This is a common symptom. Update the clinic for the itching symptom and observe any unusual discharge and redness around the surgical part. You can take a cooler water sitz bath to reduce the itchiness. Your doctor may also instruct you on a topical medication depending on the location and severity of the problem. It usually happens 3-4 weeks after your main procedure


Our compounded natural ointment has a strong function of stimulating tissue growth. If we see any symptom of overgrowth tissue, we will change the medication strategy.

Kegel exercises

You can perform kegel exercises as tolerated while doing sitz baths and on the way to the healing process. This involves contracting the anorectal muscles and holding for 3-5 seconds, relaxing for 10 seconds, and repeating 5 times, Do this sequence 1 to 3 times throughout the day. • Cigarette/Tobacco & recreational drugs use also slow the recovery and increase the risk of infection and leads to complications. • Dressing changes (Applying BZS ointments/) appropriately without any misses as your healthcare provider requires.