Pre-opt Preparation

Information to Know

Please Prepare the Following



Please ensure that on the morning of the procedure day to

What are Anorectal Minor Surgical Procedures?

Anorectal Minor Surgery Procedures refer to surgical interventions on the back passage (anus and rec-tum) lasting 20 – 40 minutes and performed as a day-case procedure using the minor surgical procedure.You will receive local anesthesia. The advisable position for the procedure is lying on your left side or known as side-lying. Afterwards, you will stay in the recovery room for another 20-60 minutes to be monitored for immediate post-treatment care.

What To Expect On The Day Of Your Anorectal Surgery

Upon Arrival

Please ensure to arrive at the clinic before your scheduled time to perform the pre-operative assessment. This is a health assessment to ensure full preparation for the main procedure and day discharge. Prior to minor surgery, you
may need to have an enema.

Please Inform Us of The Following

We Will Inform You of The Following

During the procedure

Please ensure that you are alert and can talk to your physician. Your physician will pack your rectum with a cotton gauze dressing containing topical medication to help control pain, bleeding and healing.

After your surgery

After the procedure, a care team member will take you to the recovery room where you will be closely monitored. You will be administered oral medicines such as OTC pain medications and Herbal bleeding control medications. You will be advised through post-operative care instructions, and any questions will be answered. Your blood pressure, pulse, andwounds will be monitored closely during the immediate post-treatment.

Operation Discharge

(a)Your physician will check you again before discharge. (b)Your follow-up post-care appointments will be scheduled for up to 7 days. (c)You will be given a supply of at-home use package. Including dry cotton dressings, OTC pain medications, herbal blood management medications, topical ointments, Epson salts and a Sitz bath seat