Anal Skin Tags

What are Anal Skin Tags?

Anal skin tags are benign and noncancerous growths or flaps of skin that may develop in the anal area. They can vary in size, shape, and appearance but may cause discomfort for some individuals. It could cause the following symptoms:

Cause of Anal Skin Tags

The causes and risk factors of anal skin tags are diverse and include:

When to seek a professional physician?

It is important to seek a healthcare professional to properly diagnose skin tags and exclude hemorrhoids and other anal conditions.

Our Anorectal Treatment- Guoyi Proctology Therapy

Anorectal Minor Surgical Procedure

Minor surgical techniques use local anesthesia to perform the incision and excision in a pain-free manner. After that, the full therapeutic effects of the Ba Zhi San ointment are leveraged to ensure the sphincters remain intact. This non-invasive procedure is reserved for addressing specific symptoms. The procedure spans 10 to 40 minutes and is carried out in an outpatient setting.

Post-treatment phase of anorectal disease

Since we understand the importance of post-treatment care, we take a very unique approach to this phase. During the hemorrhoid post-treatment, we focus on stage one, which is a mandatory stage for daily care. This is important since our technique removes the hemorrhoids partially and progressively. Differently put, we do not remove all the hemorrhoids at once.

Stage one of post-treatment care involves applying the Ba Zhi San Ointment to dry off the hemorrhoids. For this reason, patients can have normal bowel movements from the second day of the surgery. The minimal trauma and application of the Ba Zhi San Ointment eliminate the need for patients to be admitted to the clinic. In most cases, they can simply drive to the clinic to receive post-treatment care.

BZS (Ba Zhi San) Series Ointment 

General Function

BZS (Ba Zhi San) ointments are cream-based medicines infused with a unique botanical formula that relieves pain, stops bleeding, reduces inflammation and swelling, combat infections, detoxifies the nearby tissues, eliminates slough, and promotes wound healing granulation. Each ointment serves a specific function at a specific location in the anal canal. In other words, your doctor will choose the best BZS (Ba Zhi San) ointments for you based on your symptoms, the location of the lesions, and previous responses to other types.

The BZS (Ba Zhi San) ointments restore proper muscle function and connective tissue, which resolves anal conditions. The pharmacological mechanism of these ointments includes the blockage of venous blood supply and the elimination of moisture from the body.

Personalized Therapy

The application of BZS (Ba Zhi San) ointments achieves an ideal treatment effect that addresses both symptoms and underlying causes, which reduces the treatment duration and prevents recurrence. Tailored formulations of BZS (Ba Zhi San) ointments are created based on diagnosis and symptoms, ensuring effective treatment for specific conditions. Personalized dosages maximize optimal results for each patient.

We can help with your hemorrhoids

We specialize in anorectal diseases and offer therapies for the treatment and prevention of hemorrhoids, anal fistulas, anal fissures, anal abscesses and anal itching caused by anal eczemas.

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